ABRAV - Associação Brasileira de Violistas
(Brazilian Association of Violists)
The Association aims to promote the enhancement and integration of knowledge related to the reality of professional activity in our country.
ABRAV's proposition is to promote the expansion and connection of dialogues among the various musical environments that constitute the praxis of the viola, both in the performance field and in the pedagogical and academic spheres. We believe that sharing knowledge with a spirit of solidarity will allow us to overcome challenges, and that by being united we will be stronger and consequently our practices will be more efficient.
Our mission is to provide content and tools for improvement in the various areas of engagement of Brazilian violists, establishing and mediating the exchange of information.
Our vision includes the strengthening and the recognition of the Association both nacionally and insternationally, becoming a reference and a meeting point for violists.
We value ethical behavior for the preservation of the community's rights. As a representative class entity, we want to ensure that the activities of its members, whether professionals, students or amateurs, are always based on standards of tranparency, diversity, respect and cooperation.
Respecting our Memory
We seek to embrace and keep the commitment to respect, preserve and spread the memory of the viola in our country.

A brief history of ABRAV
In 2014, during the I Viola Meeting of UFRN held in Natal, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, violists and teachers Camila Meirelles, Carlos Aleixo, Emerson Biaggi, Ulisses Silva, Hella Frank, Isabel Brasiliano, Miguel Kolodiuk and Paulo França decided to create an association. Since then and with the contribution of all its founders, the Brazilian Association of Violists - ABRAV was established and registered. Its objective is to promote the expansion and integration of knowledge concerning the reality of professional activity in our country. The consolidation of the organizational structure of ann association must meet a series of bureaucratic requirements defined by law, in order to ensure its proper functioning and provide support for its members. We are engaged that this can happen fully, even facing obstacles along the way.
ABRAV's proposition is to promote the expansion and connection of dialogues among the various musical environments that constitute the praxis of the viola, both in the performance field and in the pedagogical and academic spheres. We believe that sharing knowledge with a spirit of solidarity will alow us to overcome challenges, and that by being united we will be stornger and consequently our practices will be more efficient.
With the involvement of members from all over the country, our desire is to be an organizations that represents the interests of all violists in Brazil.
The ABRAV Board of Directors